Friday, November 11, 2011

Simple Ways to Save Money on Gas

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One of the best known and discussed every year, the rising price of gas. Although gasoline prices have fallen in the last years of his all-time high, they are still very high on average. In the 1990s and earlier it was rare to see gas prices are above $ 1.50 per gallon and several cars were almost completely full for about $ 20 Times have changed and it's not so unusual for a bigger car as a small utility vehicle (SUV) or a complete collection cost more to close at $ 100. Every penny counts and this can only have a few tips on how valuable you save money on gas prices.

Fill time: It is advisable to fill the early morning or later in the evening when it is cooler. Gas tends to expand when hot and can cause less gas in the tank.

Parking: When possible, try to park in the shade during hot conditions. Gas has a tendency to evaporate when a car in the sun, thus making the gas tank. Parking under a tree or in a garage, if possible, in very hot conditions is recommended.

Windows: Rolling your windows instead of using your air conditioner is recommended when traveling at low speeds or when driving on the road. With that said, it may be better to use your air conditioner on long road trips because the window open creates more resistance on your car. Several pulls on your car equals more gas needed to fuel your car.

Avoid heavy traffic, if possible, it is best to avoid stop and go traffic, because it tends to exhaust their fuel faster. Moreover, it is best to take an alternative route to a destination where there is less traffic and waiting at traffic lights act independently if it can be a little more than one unit.

Car-pool: If you work somewhere that is more than 30 minutes, there is often a good idea to carpool, if possible with another of his colleagues, who lives nearby. Carpooling will not only save you a lot of money on gas, but can make for an enjoyable trip if you eat while driving to work.

The gas price Research: With gas prices a hot topic among Americans, there are several sites that advertise for lower gas prices. Use these sites to guide the search for lower gas prices to know that a better day to buy gas. Also, if possible, a mail when one of these Web pages when a gas station to offer a super low price.

Or gift cards: A great feature that many stores do now is used, offers gas discounts for no money in their corporations. Although it is advisable to take advantage of these discounts while shopping, there's also a good idea, gift cards from these stores to buy, as these discounts add up quickly. Most large grocery stores carry large volumes of vouchers that can be used in various retail stores. If you buy these cards and you can buy your position in the store, you get what you wanted to buy anyway and get discounted gas out of the market.

1 nhận xét:

Calvin Winstien said...

Pretty good tips but people can also make gas at home. Check ou my book

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