No matter what state you live in within the United States, if you drive a car, you're legally required to have car insurance. The rates that an individual will pay will vary based on a wide variety of key factors that insurance providers look to determine your premiums. Whether you go direct to an insurance provider or you go and talk to a local agent, they all use similar systems and metrics to determine your cost. In other words, what one individual will pay for car insurance, is generally never the same that another will pay - even for the same coverage.
Becoming familiar with these influencing factors can allow you to pro-actively work towards establishing a more ideal profile and reduce your car insurance rates. While not all items can be adjusted, knowing what is involved can also give you leverage in asking the right questions that could assist in lowering your rates.
Driver's Gender- Statistically, women file fewer claims than men do. As a result, insurance rates can often be lower for women drivers.
Occupation- Insurance companies will want to know if you'll be driving long distances, in cities (pot holes, higher crime) or simply driving around the corner in a rural area.
Marital Status - Unmarried individuals tend to file more claims than married couples. As a result, unmarried individuals can expect to have a higher rate.
Driving History -An individual's driving history has a huge impact on the car insurance rate. Accidents, speeding tickets (even if found not guilty), DUI's, general violations all will have a negative impact on your insurance. If you tend to speed or drive more carelessly, this would be an important area to focus on improving for future rate cuts.
Make and Year of vehicle- Generally, older cars are less to insure because they simply cost less. Sports cars also generally have increased rates, due to the assumed risk of driving at excess speeds.
Credit score - Especially in today's economy, many individuals are suffering from a credit loss for reasons out of their control. However, a higher credit score will demonstrate a higher level of responsibility and can offer a reduced rate.
Coverage - This generally goes without saying, but the more coverage you have the higher you can expect to pay. Think about increasing your deductible or reducing your coverage to the state minimum. Just remember, if you choose to lower your coverage, if you were to get in an accident, you may end up having excessive out-of pocket-expenses.
These are just some of the many factors that car insurance providers will look at when determining the rate to provide you. While some are out of your control, there are steps you can take for some to be more pro-active in lowering your rates in the future. With a little time and effort, and perhaps some life adjustments, it's possible to reduce your premiums.
Whether you are applying for new insurance or thinking of switching providers, be sure to ask your agent how your information has factored into the quote they provide. Each insurance company will weight each item differently. By shopping around and comparing prices you can work to find an insurance company that matches well for your personal information.
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