Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Utah and North Dakota: No Fault States

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If you want to know more about no fault insurance for the states of Utah and North Dakota, you have come to the right place to get vital information about Utah no fault insurance. Utah DUI and North Dakota DUI laws have changed over the years.

What is a no fault system?

A no fault system means that the driver doesn't have to prove the crash was someone else's fault before getting compensation. The insurance company covers the medical bills and rehab costs to the amount the driver purchased. The injured party also cannot sue the driver for pain and suffering, or emotional distress for any matter. The no-fault part of your Utah auto insurance plan goes by PIP or Personal Injury Protection.

What are the minimum state requirements for auto insurance?

With auto insurance, three numbers are presented for the minimum state requirements someone can have. The first 2 numbers have to do with -

Bodily injury

liability limits

The 3rd number refers to property damage. For Utah the numbers are 25/65/15, which means bodily injury is covered for up to $25,000. Liability is covered for up to $65,000; not bad for the state of Utah. This of course means that Property damage is covered for up to $15,000 for Utah. In North Dakota the numbers might surprise you- 25/50/25. Nothing better than having a plan that covers you on the road. Get insurance for Utah and North Dakota as soon as you can, reader. If you are caught driving uninsured, the punishment won't be a walk in the park.

What penalties will I suffer if caught driving uninsured?

In Utah, driving without insurance gets you a penalty that can have you paying a lot of money. Here are the specifics -

$400 for first offense

$1000 for 2nd offense within three years of bailing out of jail or previous conviction. If the driver can prove insurance problem was fixed before the sentencing but after the violation.

In North Dakota the penalties are as follows-

Under penalty 'proof of financial responsibility for the future', this means being able to prove ability to pay in case of liability during accidents that occur after the date of needing to prove one has insurance. Amount needing to be covered is $25,000 in case of bodily injury or death of two or more people in an accident. $50,000 if bodily injury or death of two or more people in an accident. Lastly, another $25,000 due to injury or destruction of property in an accident.

Under the 'Driving without liability insurance prohibited' rule, A person can't drive a motor vehicle in North Dakota without having a valid policy of liability insurance. Violation will result in being charged with a violation and needing to get liability insurance within 20 days from date of request.

What are the DUI laws for Utah and North Dakota?

In short, anyone caught with the 1st DUI in the state of Utah can expect:

48 hours in jail at minimum

48 hour Work Service

House arrest

$700 fine

License suspension of 120 days

In North Dakota, anyone caught with a DUI can expect these penalties:

$250 fine

91 days license suspension if BAC is up to.17

License suspension of 108 days if BAC is.18 or above

Alcohol evaluation

Hopefully this article has answered your questions about DU law in these two states. Drive safe and don't drink and drive.

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