If you are having troubles going to and fro various locations because you do not have a car, and unfortunately you are stuck in a difficult financial situation, you can still get yourself a good and reliable vehicle for just under $5,000. These are three of the most dependable automobiles that you can get without completely emptying out your pockets.
For those looking for a transportation that is suitable for families to use, then the Toyota Camry comes highly recommended. The specific models you are looking for are the ones manufactured between the years of 1998 and 2001. The average market price of this respectable family sedan is $2,714 and can take you and your family as far as 21 miles per gallon on city roads, and eight miles more per gallon on the highway. Although the vehicle comes highly approved for its exceptional comfort, sturdy built and comfortable handling, as it is primarily targeted and marketed for families, the Camry is not suitable for aggressive outdoor driving. Breadwinners who like their cars to have a bit of a daring look to them may be a bit disappointed with the boring exterior of this Toyota.
The second used automobile option that can be relied upon to give its driver good performance and quality is the 1994 to 2001 Acura Integra. In its used condition, the average market price of this vehicle is only a very affordable $1,432. With a gallon of fuel, the car can cover a distance of 21 miles on city roads and 29 miles on the highway. The Integra does not only possess a sleek and sporty exterior, but it is also a utilitarian hatchback that can easily accommodate up to four people with its rear seats. Other than that, critics also praise its anti-lock brakes and good steering and road holding.
Lovers of sports car will also rejoice knowing that another great used vehicle for under $5,000 is the 1998 to 2004 Ford Mustang. For only $2,158 the car can go between 16 to 18 miles per gallon of fuel on city roads and 21 to 27 miles on the highway. Sports car and automobile enthusiasts alike will love the power and performance of the Mustang, just like they will adore its classic sporty exterior. However, be remembered that although the Mustang is a very capable sporty vehicle, it is not suitable to be driven in the rain or snow.
The Toyota Camry, Acura Integra and Ford Mustang are three of the best used automobiles that you can purchase for below $5,000.
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